SUSE Linux zypper 명령어 옵션 본문
Zypper는 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 및 openSUSE와 같은 SUSE 기반 시스템에서 사용되는 명령줄 패키지 관리 도구입니다. 이 도구는 소프트웨어 패키지의 설치, 업데이트, 검색 및 제거와 같은 작업을 관리하는 데 사용됩니다. Zypper는 RPM(Red Hat Package Manager) 패키지 관리 시스템을 사용하며, 사용자가 시스템 소프트웨어를 쉽고 효율적으로 관리할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
zypper repos | 현재 등록이 된 레포지토리 모듈을 보임 |
zypper mr –e 레포지토리 번호 | 등록이 된 레포지토리 중 사용할 레포지토리 번호를 지정 |
zypper me –e –a | 등록이 된 레포지토리 중 모두 사용할 것을 지정 |
zypper install 패키지 이름 | 등록이 된 레포지토리 모듈에서, 특정한 패키지를 다운 받을 수 있음 |
zypper search 패키지 이름 | 등록이 된 레포지토리 모듈에서, 해당 패키지가 존재하는지 확인 |
zypper info 패키지 이름 | 등록이 된 레포지토리 모듈에서, 해당 패키지의 정보를 출력 |
zypper remove 패키지 이름 | 패키지를 삭제 |
zypper rr 레포지토리 번호 | 특정한 레포지토리 번호를 지정 후, 삭제 |
zypper rr –a | 모든 레포지토리 모듈을 삭제 |
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-basesystem | No | ---- | ----
2 | Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-desktop-applications | No | ---- | ----
3 | Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-development-tools | No | ---- | ----
4 | Legacy-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-legacy | No | ---- | ----
5 | Python-3-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-python3 | No | ---- | ----
6 | SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-sap-applications | No | ---- | ----
7 | SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0 | sle-ha | No | ---- | ----
8 | Server-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-server-applications | No | ---- | ----
localhost:~ # zypper mr -e 1
Repository 'Basesystem-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-basesystem | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-desktop-applications | No | ---- | ----
3 | Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-development-tools | No | ---- | ----
4 | Legacy-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-legacy | No | ---- | ----
5 | Python-3-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-python3 | No | ---- | ----
6 | SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-sap-applications | No | ---- | ----
7 | SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0 | sle-ha | No | ---- | ----
8 | Server-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-server-applications | No | ---- | ----
localhost:~ # zypper mr -e -a
Nothing to change for repository 'Basesystem-Module_15.4-0'.
Repository 'Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'Legacy-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'Python-3-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
Repository 'Server-Applications-Module_15.4-0' has been successfully enabled.
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-basesystem | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-desktop-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
3 | Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-development-tools | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
4 | Legacy-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-legacy | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
5 | Python-3-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-python3 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
6 | SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-sap-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
7 | SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0 | sle-ha | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
8 | Server-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-server-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
localhost:~ # zypper install sysstat
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
The following 2 NEW packages are going to be installed:
procmail sysstat
2 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 517.8 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 1.6 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving: procmail-3.22-2.34.x86_64 (sle-module-basesystem) (1/2), 144.6 KiB
Retrieving: sysstat-12.0.2-3.33.1.x86_64 (sle-module-basesystem) (2/2), 373.2 KiB
Checking for file conflicts: ......................................................................................[done]
(1/2) Installing: procmail-3.22-2.34.x86_64 .......................................................................[done]
(2/2) Installing: sysstat-12.0.2-3.33.1.x86_64 ....................................................................[done]
localhost:~ # zypper search kvm
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
| kvm_server | KVM Host Server | pattern
| kvm_stat | Monitoring Tool for KVM guests | package
| kvm_tools | KVM Virtualization Host and tools | pattern
| patterns-server-kvm_server | KVM Host Server | package
| patterns-server-kvm_tools | KVM Virtualization Host and tools | package
| qemu-kvm | Wrapper to enable KVM acceleration under QEMU | package
i | system-group-kvm | System group kvm | package
| system-role-kvm | Server KVM role definition | package
| texlive-kvmap | Create Karnaugh maps with LaTeX | package
localhost:~ # zypper info sysstat
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package sysstat:
Repository : sle-module-basesystem
Name : sysstat
Version : 12.0.2-3.33.1
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/>
Support Level : Level 3
Installed Size : 1.4 MiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : sysstat-12.0.2-3.33.1.src
Upstream URL : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/sebastien.godard/
Summary : Sar and Iostat Commands for Linux
Description :
Sar and Iostat commands for Linux. The sar command collects and reports
system activity information. The iostat command reports CPU statistics
and I/O statistics for TTY devices and disks. The information
collected by sar and iostat can be saved in a binary file for future
inspection. Both commands now support SMP machines when displaying CPU
localhost:~ # zypper remove sysstat
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
The following package is going to be REMOVED:
1 package to remove.
After the operation, 1.4 MiB will be freed.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/systemd/migrated/sysstat': No such file or directory
(1/1) Removing sysstat-12.0.2-3.33.1.x86_64 .....................................................................................[done]
의존성으로 인해서 설치가 된 패키지가 삭제 되지 않았음
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-basesystem | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-desktop-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
3 | Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-development-tools | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
4 | Legacy-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-legacy | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
5 | Python-3-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-python3 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
6 | SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-sap-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
7 | SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0 | sle-ha | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
8 | Server-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-server-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
localhost:~ # zypper rr 8
Removing repository 'sle-module-server-applications' ............................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-server-applications' has been removed.
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-basesystem | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | Desktop-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-desktop-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
3 | Development-Tools-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-development-tools | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
4 | Legacy-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-legacy | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
5 | Python-3-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-python3 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
6 | SAP-Applications-Module_15.4-0 | sle-module-sap-applications | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
7 | SLEHA15-SP4_15.4-0 | sle-ha | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
localhost:~ # zypper rr -a
Removing repository 'sle-module-basesystem' .....................................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-basesystem' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-module-desktop-applications' ...........................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-desktop-applications' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-module-development-tools' ..............................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-development-tools' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-module-legacy' .........................................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-legacy' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-module-python3' ........................................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-python3' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-module-sap-applications' ...............................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-module-sap-applications' has been removed.
Removing repository 'sle-ha' ....................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'sle-ha' has been removed.
localhost:~ # zypper repos
Warning: No repositories defined.
Use the 'zypper addrepo' command to add one or more repositories.